Tag: Ahmadu Bello

Nigeria – Ethics Of Supporting A Sham 1999 Constitution
Justice, News, Nigeria

Nigeria – Ethics Of Supporting A Sham 1999 Constitution

Nigeria has actually collapsed. I cannot pinpoint the exact date, but when I consider the filth, decay and squalor everywhere, the depth of social pathologies, and horrifyingly, the genocide against ethnic nationalities, together with unstopped herdsmen and Boko Haram-ISIS terrorism, I cannot truthfully call Nigeria a country. It is simply a territory, a piece of land covering an area of 923,768 sq km in western Africa. A country would be a place where people can live in an environment of peace, intelligence, dignity, and civility, not be so debased as to flounder around in lack, having only a stunted, miserable, frightening and violent existence. With the passage of time, Nigeria the self-proclaimed “giant of Africa” seems unable to be anything other than delinquent and dysfunctiona...